First, a clarification. Although for decades we were told that having a glass of orange juice for breakfast was the healthiest thing in the world. The truth is that doctors now tell us that it is best to eat the whole fruit, raw and hopefully with the peel. It’s not wrong to drink fruit juices in general. But as long as these concoctions are as natural as possible. That is, without added sugar and with the least amount of preservatives.

For the same reason, with a few exceptions. We must forget about non-refrigerated long-life juices, and it is also worth giving priority to those that contain pulp (cells) over the completely filtered ones. And another thing that is more or less clear. There are no magical processes to cleanse the body and fewer diets to lose weight that can be done only based on the intake of juices, no matter how natural. After all this. We must not forget that fruit juices —although not miraculous— are still healthy, wealthy, and nutritious. So it is convenient to know which are the best we can get on the market.

Orange and Imported

The most valued of the juices to drink for breakfast —or at any time— is orange juice, a product that, for years. We saw foreign actors consume in movies and television series.

Thanks to the abundant supply of imported juices offered by supermarkets. We can find squeezed oranges from countries such as the United States, France, and Spain. Most of them are pretty good —like classic Florida’s Natural— and at prices —with international treaties— sometimes even better than national ones of similar quality. That is, fresh (not long life) and without added sugar.

National Orange Juices

If you prefer to support the Chilean economy or have problems with the carbon footprint of foreign products. There is good news: it is also possible to find national orange juices that are fresh. Do not come from concentrate, and do not contain added sugar. It would help if you looked for the one most convinced by taste, quality, and price.

The 100% natural juice offers nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help strengthen the immune system. This is possible through consuming juice directly from the fruit. Although it is common to question whether these nutritional qualities remain in packaged juices and nectars.

The Nutritional Contribution of Functional Drinks

On the other hand, the “ better drinks for you” (BFY) trend is frame by a decision to abandon sugar-sweetened carbonate beverages. In the United States, 52% of consumers who reduced their consumption of carbonated soft drinks favored healthier options. Such as 100% natural juices and flavored waters.

As a result of the increase in the consumption of this type of beverage, the sector is in a constant process of innovation to adapt to the needs of the market, with a certainly added value and framed in a formula: Fresh + Clean = healthy, making clean ingredients a standard for many brands.