Scalp dandruff is an entirely typical problem. But not much is said about beard dandruff, an issue that affects many men. We tell you why it occurs and the routine that will help you end it.

  • “What is the reason for the appearance of dandruff in the beard?”
  • “How to remove dandruff from the beard?”


How to Treat Beard Dandruff?

Given the increase in this phenomenon, many men seek remedies and care to prevent it.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid beard dandruff without resorting to specific care. In fact, beard hair hardly differs from hair, only the location changes.
To get free of it, you must use an adapted shampoo and fight against the different causes of its appearance. During the shower, apply the treating shampoo to both the hair and the beard, respecting the conditions of use.
In addition. It is advisable to avoid touching the beard as much as possible so as not to grease it more. On the other hand, it is indispensable to brush it daily to remove sebum residue and dirt.
In case of doubt or if beard dandruff treatment proves ineffective, it is best to ask a pharmacist for advice.


What is the Reason for the Appearance of Dandruff in the Beard?

In addition, Wearing a dense and lush beard has its science, from the annoying rebellious hairs that want to go on their own to the itchiness that you can suffer in low hair thickness. One of the most uncomfortable discomforts is beard dandruff’s, both because of the painful and unsightly flakes it leaves behind and the itching and skin irritation it can cause.

It can have its origin in several causes, the most common being:

  • Stress
  • cold climates
  • The fungus Pittosporum ovule
  • Lack of hydration in the skin
  • Excessive sweating
  • The use of certain soaps
  • The genetic factor


Remove Dandruff’s from the Beard Four Tips

Getting rid of dandruff’s and flaking your beard will not be very difficult if you establish good habits in your daily grooming routine.

  1. Exfoliate your skin. To avoid peeling, you must keep the skin on your face clean and healthy. Use a facial scrub for this. If you find reaching your face because you have a long beard challenging, use a brush to remove dead skin flakes. Incorporate this practice into your hygiene routine once or twice a week.
  2. Wash your beard and skin properly. A thick and abundant beard makes facial hygiene and proper skin nutrition difficult, so you must pay special consideration to the care of your face. Often, beard dandruff can appear due to the use of generic products that irritate the dermis, something that you can avoid by using specific beard soaps.
  3. Apply beard oils. Beard oils will help moisturize and repair facial skin and nourish facial hair. Apply a few drops to your clean beard after showering to help it penetrate to your face with a light massage. Do not clarify it; let it act.
  4. Dry the beard. It would help if you dried your beard to prevent moisture from building up, as it could negatively affect the skin on your face. If you have a short beard, a towel will suffice; if not, give yourself a few seconds with the dryer at medium temperature.

In any case, if your problem persists or worsens, go to a dermatologist to identify other possible causes that are causing dandruff in the beard.