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7 Secrets to Maintain Good Health

Maintain Good Health: It is said that the seed of our words and our actions are our thoughts.

Positive thoughts have a pleasing effect; they give us vigor and infect the people around us.

A positive attitude will project a more satisfied, confident, and sure image of yourself.

Although it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude today with all the negative news surrounding us, we can always focus on our upbeat.

1. Take Care of your Diet – Health

Rise your intake of fruits and vegetables, and introduce fiber into your diet to improve intestinal transit, among many other benefits.

Limit the consumption of sugars and salt in your diet; according to the WHO, reducing the consumption of sugars in your diet by only 5% would benefit our health.

Get fond of cooking: when you don’t know how to cook, you tend to throw away more pre-cooked or frozen dishes that don’t always have the same properties.

It is not necessary to become a MasterChef; there are many ways to prepare food, grilled, steamed, baked, etc.

2. Get Regular Check-ups – Health

Specialists recommend that from the age of 40, it is advisable to start regular medical examinations. These reviews will be primarily aimed at detecting the appearance of early tumors or cardiovascular risks.

Tests such as blood tests, blood pressure, or gynecological examinations are essential for disease prevention.

3. Perform Physical Exercises Whenever you can

A fundamental pillar for maintaining good health is regular physical exercise. At least 30 minutes of activity is necessary for 2 or 3 days a week.

The key is not to buy the complete kit to go running or pay for the gym for the whole year when you return from vacation. The important thing is to find an activity that appeals to us, that we like, and motivates us throughout the year and not only when we feel guilty for not moving from the sofa.

4. Control your Stress Levels

Work, family life, and facing everyday situations generate overexertion on a physical and mental level. They make us be in a continuous state of alert that exhausts our defenses and undermines us both mentally and physically.

Each person can have a remedy to reduce their stress levels. For example, some people find it helpful to read, others to paint, people who practice meditation, and others who use the physical exercise.

We encourage you to find that activity that comforts you and serves to find yourself.

5. Get Good Mental Health

We cannot forget our mental health as a fundamental part of our state of health.

Stress, anxiety, or depression can alter our mental state, affecting our well-being and quality of life.

Exercise our mind is just as important as exercising our body. Reading and logic exercises, and memory and comprehension games are tools we can use. In addition, they will help us to prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

6. Avoid Risk Factors

It is necessary to consider and monitor a series of factors that increase the probability of suffering an illness or injury.

Tobacco, alcohol, hypertension, and obesity are some of the main factors observed in our closest reality. Moreover, It is in our power to control them since they are modifiable factors and therefore susceptible to preventive actions.

7. Have Happy Dreams

As that we spend a third of our lives sleeping, we can understand how important it is in our lives. Sleep is a vital function that regulates, repairs, and prepares us for the next day.

Moreover, Some recommendations we can follow are to maintain routines and schedules at bedtime, reduce the consumption of caffeinated beverages, and maintain a good rest area without distractions such as mobile phones or television.

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