During the hottest moments of the summer campaign. Cold drinks are usually the products with the most significant sales in ice cream parlors. Specialties such as granitas. A semi-liquid drink halfway between sorbet and a soft drink, are the most profitable product in ice cream establishments. However, despite its weight in billing. It has been very little elaborated from the point of view of its formulation.

In this category. We will also find shakes, milkshakes, and smoothies. Which include under their umbrella a wide range of drinks that usually contain ice cream, milk, fruit, chocolate, spices, etc. This type of elaboration also admits incorporating stabilizers to extend its life of use.

Low temperatures are present in most of the peninsula. So it is normal to look for a hot drink such as tea, coffee, or chocolate to counteract the cold. But is the belief that to get warm, we need to drink hot beverages authentic? This is what we will discover here to be aware of how wrong we were.

It seems counterproductive to opt for cold drinks when the mercury plummets outside, but it is the best option. If you consume ice cream or cold drinks with high-fat content, it will cause this compound to move slowly through the digestive system, adding to this “effort” the need to raise your body temperature, so it will take more energy to digest it. This biological response will cause a greater consumption of calories and, therefore, a natural temperature rise in our bodies.

Top 4 Best-Selling Cold Drinks

If you need to know the cold drinks that are in trend and delicious to accompany hot times, you should read this post. Whether for your business or yourself, find out the most convenient drinks for the season.

1. Hit – Cold Drinks

Frappe coffee is a drink originally from Greece, which in recent years has taken on great importance and weight worldwide. This drink has become a trend in the palates of the public both at the level of coffee franchises, restaurants, bars, and small local businesses where the sale of food and beverages is combined.

Frappes are a mixture of coffee, ground ice, and milk, with a wide variety of decorations that range from whipped cream to chocolate toppings, colored sparks, explosive pearls, sauces, cinnamon, etc.

2. Italian Sodas

This drink is simple in its preparation but surprising in its flavor. The origin of Italian soda, as its name indicates, was created by the Italian Rinaldo and Ezilda Torres in 1925.

To prepare a traditional Italian soda, you only need to mix fruit flavoring syrup and carbonated water and add ice. Sodas are commonly designed with fruit flavors, although several variations have emerged that expand how an Italian soda can be taken.

3. Smoothie – Cold Drinks

Delicious Smoothies are delightful and refreshing drink which is prepared based on juice and pieces of fruit (if you wish, you can also try a vegetable smoothie), adding a dairy product such as yogurt, milk, or ice cream. According to your taste and finally, beat it with crushed ice.

There is currently a wide variety of smoothie recipes, thanks to their popularity and relevance in the world of beverages.

4. Tea or Iced Infusions

We could consider this refreshing drink the most straightforward preparation since it does not need more than ice or serves cold.

The tea is usually prepare hot and then served with ice or refrigerated, so it is cold when it is time to drink it.

This drink has a high degree of popularity in its hot form, but currently, it has many followers who prefer to consume it cold, even more so for times when the heat is intense, and an excellent iced tea helps to minimize its damage.