A Home Training Plan for Healthy Week: Many people have been forced to train at home in recent times due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic


Structure and Variables of the Routine

We will opt for a four-day core-leg routine with one day of HIIT. On Monday and Thursday, we will train the torso; on Tuesday and Friday, the legs, and Wednesday, we will include a short HIIT session.


Training Frequency

This distribution allows us to give a training frequency of two to all muscle groups. That is, we will work with each muscle group twice a week. Wednesday will be a day of relative rest where we will seek more metabolic work through a short session with a high density of work, that is, a lot of work in a short time.


Training Volume

Training volume is one of the most significant variables when achieving muscle hypertrophy. For simplicity, we will understand the importance of a complete weekly series.

We will choose a volume with which most people can generate positive adaptations, known as the maximum adaptive volume.

As for the range of repetitions, we will use, we will move in a broad spectrum, covering from eight repetitions to twenty.

The training keys you need to get in shape this course by training at home or in the gym

Training Intensity and Self-Regulation

The intensity refers to the load or resistance used in the exercises, but in our case, we will use our body weight. Manipulating passion can be done in various ways. But perhaps the simplest is knowing how to self-regulate in the short or medium term.

Self-regulation in training will help us to know the degree of effort that we are investing in a series, for example. Although there are several systems to measure this, we will use the RIR (Reps in Reserve) or repetitions in chamber method. In every one of the series of exercises we perform, we must maintain around an RIR 1-3. This means that we must complete the appropriate repetitions within the proposed range so that, in the end, we feel that we could have only done between 1 and 3 more repetitions.

Break Times

We will move between one and two-minute breaks. We will get closer to two-minute rests the fewer repetitions we perform and get closer to one-minute rests the more repeats. It has to be clear to us that we must rest enough to perform well in the next series. If we get little rest. Our total training volume can be affected, with it long-term hypertrophy.


Pike Push-Ups

Nike push-ups are a variant of push-ups that are performed while maintaining hip flexion while raising the hip. This position places us with our back oriented obliquely towards the ground. So when pushing it with our arms. The work is transferred to our anterior deltoid, the shoulder flexor.

Try to keep your elbows facing backward. It would help if you looked like the head of an arrow, not a capital T.


Push-Ups with a Stop Below

Place your hands below your shoulders with an amplitude slightly more significant than the width of these. Put the balls of your feet on the floor or your knees if you are still starting. Keep a core engaged, so you don’t hyperextend your spine during the concentric phase.

The movement will start from the ground, with the elbows bent on both sides of the body. From this position, we extend our arms until we block them and go back down. When the chest touches the ground again, we separate the palms of the hands from it for an instant, and we go back up.

This variation will work the pecs harder by taking the stretch reflex out of the equation.

Inverted Rowing

The inverted row using a table is possibly one of the most creative exercises. We can do at home to work our back.

Place your extended body under a table, grab onto the edge, and pull your body closer to the table. If we cannot pull objects towards us, we will be the ones to pull ourselves towards thingsWith this exercise, we work not only the latissimus dorsi but also the back of the deltoids and the biceps.