Calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia does not usually present any symptoms in the early stage. As the condition progresses, various signs and symptoms will appear, such as weak bones, increased risk of fractures, tooth sensitivity, and heart palpitations. In addition, diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children could develop.

Calcium is a crucial mineral for properly functioning the nervous system, heart, muscles, bones, and teeth, and it is present in various foods, both animals and vegetables. It must be consumed daily to maintain an adequate amount of calcium in the body.

What is the Importance of Calcium?

Calcium is one of the most significant essential minerals for health, as indicated by data from the Office of Dietary Supplements – NIH. It is critical for forming bones, teeth, and various complex tissues in the body.

It is estimated that 99% is found in the bone system and teeth. This mineral is responsible for the growth of bones, as well as giving them density and strength.

In addition, it is proven that it is also necessary to keep the nervous system, blood, neurons, and practically all the body’s cells healthy.


Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

The symptoms related to the deficiency of this nutrient in the body are:

  1. Memory loss
  2. Confusion
  3. Muscle spasms
  4. cramps
  5. Tingling in the hands, feet, and face
  6. Depression


Leading Causes of Calcium Deficiency

The leading causes of calcium deficiency are a low intake of foods rich in this mineral, hormonal changes such as those that occur in menopause or hypoparathyroidism, certain situations that cause nutrient malabsorption such as pancreatitis, and genetic factors.

In addition, the lack of vitamin D can also cause calcium deficiency since this vitamin is essential for its absorption at the intestinal level. Some medications, such as Amiloride, a diuretic used in cases of hypertension, can cause hypocalcemia as a side effect.

The diagnosis of the lack of calcium in the body is made through a conventional blood test; however, to know if the bones are weak, it is necessary to perform a test called bone densitometry.

How to Increase Calcium Absorption

To increase the captivation of calcium in the intestine and its use by the body, the consumption of foods rich in this nutrient, such as yogurt, milk, cheese, spinach, tofu, and broccoli should be increase. Learn more about foods rich in calcium.

Likewise, consuming foods rich in vitamin D such as fish, milk, and eggs should be increase, and exposure to the sun for a few minutes a day, since this vitamin is also synthesize in the skin.

What are the Foods that Help Avoid Calcium Deficiency?

In order not to hurt the consequences of the lack of this mineral in the body. Remember to add foods to your diet such as: regularly

  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • fish
  • nuts
  • Orange juice.
  • rice milk
  • Vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, spinach, and other leafy greens).

Lastly, if you think. You are not absorbing the necessary amount and you present some of these symptoms that show that you have calcium deficiency. Consult your doctor to prescribe supplements.