Despite the wonders of facial exfoliation, not everyone has had a positive experience. This can make us doubt whether it is vital or, on the contrary, it can be harmful.

Today we are going to try to clear up these doubts, and we will also see some indications so that your facial exfoliation is safe and does not harm your skin.

What is a Facial Peel For? Facial Exfoliation

Facial exfoliation serves to cleanse the skin in depth and remove dead cells that are on the surface of the skin.

These dead cells, if the skin does not shed them usually and naturally, accumulate on the surface of the skin, causing it to become rougher, duller, and even spots may appear.

To help the skin get rid of these dead cells, sometimes daily facial cleansing is not enough, and that is why periodic facial exfoliation is necessary.

Benefits and Drawbacks of a Facial Peel

There are many benefits that can be obtained from facial exfoliation; although it is also true that some drawbacks can arise, especially if it is not done correctly. Let’s see them!

Benefits Facial Exfoliation

  • Removes dead cells from the skin’s layer, leaving it softer, smoother, and more luminous.
  • Facilitates skin regeneration.
  • Reduces wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Unclogs pores.
  • Fight blackheads.
  • Removes impurities (fat, traces of makeup…).
  • Eliminates or reduces skin blemishes.
  • It gets the skin to acquire a more homogeneous tone.
  • Facilitates the absorption of creams and treatments.
  • Promotes oxygenation of the skin.


  • It may irritate the skin.
  • It can cause a boiling or stinging sensation, especially if you over-exfoliate.
  • It leaves the superficial layer of the skin thinner and, at the same time more unprotected to environmental elements such as the sun.

Keep in mind that these benefits and drawbacks will fundamentally depend on the type of exfoliant or peeling (it is a deeper exfoliation that acts as a treatment to eliminate spots, wrinkles, and scars…) that you choose.

What Type of Scrub Should I Choose?

When choosing a type of exfoliant, you must take into account the following: your skin type, its sensitivity, and the objective or result you want to achieve.

In general terms, a physical exfoliant with the correct choice of granules will be more than enough for a good exfoliation.

If you want a more in-depth cleaning and treatment: wrinkles on the face, expression lines, deep blemishes…, a chemical exfoliant or a peeling may be another alternative.

But…, if your skin is fine, sensitive, delicate, or does not tolerate chemicals. The best solution is enzymatic exfoliants; they are the softest and most respectful to the skin’s ph.

At Strengthen your Skin. We always recommend choosing products that are natural and respectful of your skin and the environment.

Facial Exfoliation l How Often can a Facial Peel be Done?

The frequency with which you can do your facial exfoliation will depend mainly on your skin type. The product you use, and the response of your skin to said product.

Keep in mind that you should not abuse exfoliants. Most of the problems that arise with them are due to excessive use. A wrong choice (they do not suit your skin type and its needs), and not using them correctly.

Precautions to Take When Performing a Facial Peel

  • Always look for the best exfoliant that suits your skin type and your specific needs.
  • If it is the first time you use a product (especially if it is chemical), do a test on a small area of ​​the skin to make sure that your skin reacts well to that product.
  • Always respect the time and mode of use indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Be careful with the most delicate parts of the face, such as the eye contour and the lips.
  • Do not use body scrubs for the face.
  • Do not do any exfoliation if your skin shows any symptoms of infection, irritation, or burn…
  • Don’t wax right after a peel.
  • Use sunscreen after a peel, especially if it has been profound.
  • And lastly, always moisturize your skin.