Though we are unaware of it, the Skin Functions of the skin are vital for our health and well-being. In addition, among other things, the skin also has parts that are essential to relate to the outside world around us.

Let’s see some of these skin functions, and you will better understand their importance.

Main Functions of the Skin

Among the main functions of the skin, we can highlight the following:

Serves as a Protective Barrier for Skin Functions

The skin is the first line of defense that our body has, and it plays a very important role in keeping us healthy. It protects us from external agents that could damage our body : germs, bacteria, sunlight, chemicals, blows…

Regulates the Temperature of Skin Functions

The skin has blood vessels and sweat glands that help regulate body temperature.

When there is excess cold, the blood vessels constrict to prevent heat loss. In the case of excess heat, the reverse happens; the blood vessels open to facilitate heat loss.

The sweat produced by the sweat glands also helps to cool our bodies, especially on those intensely hot days.

These mechanisms that the skin has helped to stabilize the internal temperature of our body, keeping it between 36 °C and 37 °C.

It has Reparative Capacity

The skin can heal and heal wounds.

You can observe this easily when you have suffered an injury. But in addition, it can also repair cell damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

It has a Sensory Function

Through the nerve endings found in the skin, we can perceive all kinds of sensations: heat, cold, pain, pressure, textures… This information is vital for the brain to react appropriately to what happens in our environment.

Helps the Body Eliminate Waste

The body needs to eliminate toxic substances or waste that could make you sick. One of the tools it has to get rid of this waste is the skin. Through perspiration or sweat, the body eliminates these wastes dissolved in water.

Facilitates Mobility and Growth-Skin Functions

Have you ever stopped by thinking… what would happen if your skin were rigid. Probably not; it’s normal; we don’t usually ask ourselves these questions. But if the skin did not have this property of elasticity, every movement we made would cause excruciating pain.

This elastic property of the skin, in addition to facilitating movement, allows our body to grow.

Serves as an Energy Store

Our body, if necessary, will resort to the energy reserves that accumulate in the adipose tissue. This tissue is found in the deepest layer of the skin: the hypodermis.

Synthesizes vitamin D

Remember that this vitamin is essential for fixing calcium in the bones. We obtain vitamin D mainly through the body, but for our body to produce it, the skin must be in contact with the sun.

Exposure to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough to obtain an adequate dose of this vitamin.

Reflects the State of Health

When our body does not work well, it usually gives signals that alert us to possible diseases. In many cases, these early warning signs appear on the skin, changing its standard color and appearance.

Skin that is too pale, yellowish, bluish, cracked, or dry can be symptoms of something that is not working well in our body.

In addition to all these functions, we must not forget the importance of the skin in the aesthetic, social or sexual aspects.

As you have seen, the functions of the skin are many and essential. So, you know… Strengthen your Skin !, so that she can take care of you.