What Type of Skin Do I Have? – If you are asking yourself this question, let me tell you, you are on the right track. Knowing how to identify your skin type is the first step that will allow you to choose the most effective products for your skincare.

How do I Know What Type of Skin I Have?

Our skin type is determined by genetics. However, some factors can change its statuses, such as age, illness, or environmental conditions.

There are a series of signs or signs that the skin manifests that can help you to know and identify your facial skin type. Let’s see them!

Skin types and their Characteristics

There are five large groups into which our skin type can be classified: oily, mixed, normal, dry, and sensitive.

Each type of skin has its characteristics that we will see in more detail below. Identify what kind of skin you belong to.

Oily skin

This skin type is characterized by excessive sebum production. Extra oil, along with dirt and dead skin cells, makes it easier for pimples and blackheads to appear. Therefore, in this type of skin, periodic exfoliation is usually more necessary.

Oily skin is characterized by:

  • Glitters all over the face.
  • Visibly large pores.
  • Presence of pimples and comedones (or pimples) that can be black or white-headed.
  • Coarse texture.

Mixed skin

Combination skin has a mixture of characteristics, and it can give oily areas and others dry or normal. It is known as the T zone (formed by the forehead, nose, and chin), where the skin is more oily. While in the rest, mainly the cheeks can be normal or dry.

Combination Skin characterized by:

  • Oily and shiny skin in the T zone.
  • Normal cheeks with a tendency to dry out quickly.

Normal Skin

Normal skin tends to stay balanced, not too oily, and not too dry. This type of skin is the one that presents the best appearance: it has a pink and uniform tone, it is elastic and soft, and it does not present shine or imperfections.

Normal Skin Characterized by:

Dry Skin

Unlike oily skin, dry skin sebum production is less. This lack of fat, together with the lack of hydration, makes the skin appear tight and rigid.

Dry Skin Characterized by:

  • The sensation of tightness and itching
  • It appears rough and scaly
  • Dull appearance can sometimes show signs of premature aging.
  • Sensitive to temperature changes.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can occur in any of the skin types that we have seen previously. For example, you can have a combination and sensitive skin simultaneously or dry and sensitive.

Sensitive skin very easily irritated since, as its name suggests, it is susceptible to any change. It reacts very quickly to changes in temperature, climate, or cosmetic products.

Sensitive Skin Characterized by:

  • The presence of redness and irritation very quickly.
  • It is susceptible to external factors (change in temperature, weather…).
  • Sometimes you can feel tight and itchy.

All skin types that we have seen need their care, but proper hygiene and proper hydration are necessary for all of them.